One to one, Microsoft Access Training in Launceston, Hobart, Devonport & Burnie Tasmania and National remote training.
We provide professional one to one training, at your premises, on your computer, for less than the price of a place in a group course. Whatever your issues are, we can help.
How can you get immediate Microsoft Access Training?
Call I.T. Guaranteed on 1300 889 533
Microsoft Access Training Course Outlines
Introduction to Microsoft Access part 1 ( 2 hours)
First Looks
Database Rule No.1
Designing a Database
Creating A Database
Creating a Table
Database Rule No. 2
Data Types (Field Types)
Database Rule No. 3
Database Rule No. 4
Entering data into the table
Music Store Database
Manipulating the Data
Sorting the records
Finding Records
Using a form
Creating a form
Designing a Form
Design View Tool Bar
The Tool Box
Selecting Controls
Adding and Removing Controls
Introduction to Microsoft Access Part 2 ( 2 hours)
The QBE Grid (Query by example)
A simple query
Querying Multiple Tables
Complex Queries
The Or Condition
Multiple Criteria
Database Relationships
Database Rule No. 5
Creating a report using a wizard
Viewing a Report
Report design toolbar
The Bands of the Report
Group Totals Report
Database Rule No. 6
Now to create the report
Altering the report
Intermediate Microsoft Access Part 1 ( 2 hours)
Designing Databases
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Normalisation (Stage 3)
Common Mistakes
One to Many Relationship
Many to Many Relationships
Lone Field Tables
Putting it all together
Advanced Queries
Calculated Fields
Zooming the view
Text Operators
Update Queries
Other Queries
Totalling Queries
Other kinds of totals
Intermediate Microsoft Access Part 2 ( 2 hours)
Forms – More Controls
Yes/No Boxes
Option Groups
Creating a Main Menu
Access Basic & Macros
Properties of a Control
Properties and Events
Access Basic
Manuals & On-line Help
Tips for using Help
Additional topics
Using Access basic to find a record
Tips for Access Basic
All courses can be delivered remotely, or at your premises if located in Tasmania.
All Microsoft Access Training Courses include:
- One to One Training
- Flexible content – we recognise your prior knowledge.
- Concise easy to read training manuals
- Exercises to practise your new knowledge
- No waiting for a course timetable
- Learn on your own computer
- Don’t have the latest version of Access? No problem. Learn using your version of the software or use ours.
- Have a specific MS Access problem? We can assist you time permitting.
- Money back if not satisfied guarantee.
- 1 Month free remote support for items covered in any completed course, limited to one call per day, 10 minutes per call.
- 12 months free remote support for items covered in the completed advanced courses, limited to one call per day, 10 minutes per call
You should call us because …
- We have 25 years’ experience with Microsoft Access.
- Government & corporate client referees available. We are GITC accredited.
- Even if you have your own I.T. support company, you can hire us to just do Microsoft Access work. You might be interested in our Affiliate Sales Program.
- We can help you remotely.
- Do you need to get up to speed quickly with Microsoft Access program?
- Are you searching for someone to quickly fix a Microsoft Access problem?
- Maybe you have an idea for a Microsoft Access project but do not know how to implement it?
- Did you buy the latest version of Microsoft Access and need to upgrade your skills?
- Are you struggling trying to use some Microsoft Access functions?
- Are you an I.T. Technician and need side help with Microsoft Access ?
- Do you need to share your Access Workbooks with others?
- Do you need to make your Access Spreadsheets available on the web?
- Do you have a large Microsoft Access spreadsheet that is difficult to manage?
- Has someone left your organisation and left you with an Access project that no one can use?
We can help with all those issues!
- If I already know something can we skip it.
Absolutely. Our trainers will check to ensure that you have a sound knowledge of the subject matter before moving on to the next topic. - If I complete the course early do I have to pay for the full two hours.
If in Launceston, or being trained by video call then no. We will only charge you for the time it takes you to complete the course. (Minimum 1 hour)
Otherwise Yes. This covers our travelling which we do not charge you for 😊 - What help is available if I have difficulty completing the course in the time permitted.
The training manual is yours to keep. You can use this to complete the course at your own pace. Up to one hour of further assistance via video call is available with the trainer to complete each course. - Can I split a two hour course into two sessions?
No. The courses are written with continuity in mind. If a course was split it would take some time on the next occasion to review and practice previous subject matter, which would eat to much into the time permitted.
Microsoft Access Trainers Available Now
Call 1300 889 533
Friendly Tasmanian Trainers
Free Quotations
Money Back Guarantee
To book your Microsoft Access training session call 1300 889 553 or contact us using the form below.